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RoK Awards Hyundai for CPV production

RoK Awards Hyundai for CPV production
RoK"s Defence Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) has signed an agreement with Hyundai Rotem to acquire several wheeled Armoured Combat Vehicles Command Post configuration.DAPA said on June 1 that the contract – worth KRW55.3 billion (USD44.7 million) – would allow Hyundai Rotem to start mass-producing the CPV, with deliveries to battalions and higher-level units in the Republic of Korea Army (RoKA) and the Republic of Korea Marine Corps (RoKMC) from 2023.RoK Awards Hyundai for CPV productionDAPA said the project to develop the CPV, the design of which is based on the company"s 20-ton K808 wheeled armoured vehicle, began in 2017 and ended in December 2020. It said the total CPV program would be worth KRW 1.5 trillion, indicating additional procurement in the future.The agency added that the vehicle was intended to replace "tent-type field command posts which take too long to install and dismantle, and cannot protect against enemy fire, artillery, and chemical threats".RoK Awards Hyundai for CPV production