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ASELSAN TUSAŞ to Cooperate in E/W and Radar

ASELSAN TUSAŞ to Cooperate in E/W and Radar

Defence Industry Agency (SSB) and ASELSAN-TUSAŞ Business Partnership signed a contract to supply Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems, developing and integrating avionics software. According to ASELSAN’s statement on the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP), the amount of ASELSAN’s work share is 365 million 625 thousand TL and 18 million 750 thousand dollars.”


Information about the details of the cooperation and project was not shared. The project might be related to the HAVA SOJ project. The HAVA SOJ project is about Stand-Off Jammer for an air platform. It suppresses enemy early warning systems to create a blind spot on the radar or an electronically jammed corridor to provide a safe passage corridor to the air forces. Turkiye aims to convert Embraer Global 6000 jets for HAVA SOJ missions. ASELSAN had previously demonstrated its competence in electronic warfare with the KARA SOJ (Land SOJ) project. TUSAŞ received four aircraft from the Canadian manufacturer.