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Turkish Aerospace Invests in Radar Cross Test Bed

Turkish Aerospace Invests in Radar Cross Test Bed

Turkish Aerospace (TUSAŞ) is investing substantially in carrying out Radar Cross-Section (RCS) tests to develop aerial platforms. The test bed will be used primarily for Turkish Fighters (TF) and other indigenous projects. Turkey’s most prominent and the world’s 5th largest radar cross-sectional area test facility is expected to start its operations in the second quarter of 2024.

The Radar Cross Section Test Facility is designed to detect the visibility and size of the Turkish Fighter on the radar. The facility will be one of the most modern facilities in the world with its state-of-the-art infrastructure. The facility will contribute to the design studies of the platform and will determine radar signals reflection. Thus, as a result of the tests carried out, the low visibility feature of the TF on the radar will be verified. Turkish Aerospace Invests in Radar Cross Test BedExpressing his views on the radar cross-sectional area test facility, Turkish Aerospace General Manager ProfesorTemel Kotil said, “We continue to make big investments in aviation that will save our country from foreign dependency. In this context, the radar cross-section test area, which we will start to build shortly, will be one of the most advanced facilities in the world with its technology. Thus, we will carry out another important test for TF in our country with national resources. We will continue to contribute to the independent aviation ecosystem of our country.” Turkish Aerospace Invests in Radar Cross Test Bed