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The F-35C’s Landing Accident Video Leaked

The F-35C’s Landing Accident Video Leaked

U.S. Navy’s F-35C landing accident video is online now. The video that shows the F-35C suffering a ramp strike before getting into flames and skidding off the deck is leaked to Reddit.

The video record consists of USS Carl Vinson’s deck two cameras. One is video footage belonging to Pilot’s Landing Aid Television (PLAT) camera from the deck. The video shows what happened to the F-35C that crashed on January 24, 2022, and how it sunk in the South China Sea.

The F-35C’s Landing Accident Video Leaked

The video is consisted of the PLAT camera video and another angle that sees the entire deck. First few seconds, It is visible that F-35C is descending fast. The Landing Signal Officer (LSO), who is responsible for instructing the pilot for a safe landing, starts ordering on the radio “power” and then “wave off, wave off” to instruct the pilot to abort the landing. The video shows aircraft landing gears on

The video demonstrates that the aircraft hit the ship’s deck very hard and with the impact shredding off the main landing gear. As a result, the F-35 starts bouncing. It starts to skid sideways while surrounded by flames.

The F-35C’s Landing Accident Video Leaked

The second camera is most probably located at the control island with a panoramic angle showing the entire accident including the crash’s aftermath. The second camera shows the entire landing and being engulfed in flames. It shows the aircraft skid until the other end of the flight deck and felling straight in the sea.

The user who submitted the video on Reddit claims that it was not recorded by him / her and did not indicate where it was obtained.

Although there have been numerous theories about the incident’s origins and how it unfolded, no official comment has been issued yet. The video adds more visual information about what happened while the official investigation proceeds. Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy is attempting to recover the 5th generation aircraft from the bottom of the sea.

The F-35C’s Landing Accident Video Leaked

This is the third leakage about the accident. Two days after the crash, a photo of the F-35C floating in the sea was leaked online. This was followed by a video shooting from the fantail and showing the last seconds of the aircraft before the touchdown. The video showed that something was going wrong with the aircraft. The U.S. Navy confirmed the authenticity of both the photo and video.