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Sungur Passed Another Milestone

Sungur Passed Another Milestone

The Presidency of Defence Industries stated that “Sungur solidified its role in air defence after a successful test firing against a moving target at maximum range and altitude. The system's portable feature allows it to be integrated into land, air, and naval platforms.

The SUNGUR low-level air defence system and its MANPADS version, dubbed PORSAV will replace the Stinger MANPADS in the inventory of the Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) The Project began in 2013.

Sungur is suitable to intercept targets such as cruise missile, UAV, low flying fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. The system provides short-range air defence of the local area. It can reach more than four km altitude and eight km range. It can detect, track and hit targets through 360-degrees from moving platforms. The missile in the system features two-stage (booster and sustainer) solid propellant rocket motors and features ASELSAN’s cooled Imaging Infrared (IIR) type seeker head.

Sungur Passed Another Milestone

The missile system was used against a target drone that operates up to eight thousand meters (26,247ft) Maximum Altitude, and that can reach 180-648km/hr speed (97-350 knots)

The electrically controlled turret has two PORSAV missile launcher pods, each capable of firing 2 fire-and-forget IIR guided missiles in rapid succession and fitted with a Star SAFIRE 380 HLD FLIR System for target detection and tracking purpose.

Sungur Passed Another Milestone

First video of Sungur was published in summer 2020. The short video also included sections from the live firing test against fixed target lifted some 20m from ground level and simulating static air target. During the test, at least two live PORSAV missiles fired against a fixed target.

Sungur Passed Another Milestone