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SİPER Hit target at Near 100 Km range

SİPER Hit target at Near 100 Km range

ASELSAN and Roketsan’s long-range regional air defence missile development project SİPER has passed a crucial stage with the recent tests carried out at Sinop Test Range. President of Defence Industry Agency (SSB) Professor İsmail Demir said, “Our long-range air defence missile system, SIPER, is rising step by step. The last fire test of SİPER showed that it could reach high-speed targets on 100 km range.”

The SİPER Project, carried out in partnership with ASELSAN, ROKETSAN and TÜBİTAK SAGE, targets delivery in 2023. The first Roketsan-produced HİSAR-RF-based missile is planned to have a maximum range of 100 kilometres. The missile hit the target at a 90 km distance at 26 000 feet altitude.SİPER Hit target at Near 100 Km rangeSİPER Hit target at Near 100 Km rangeUpcoming versions will have extended-range missiles.The SİPER missile is crucial in meeting Turkey’s layered air defence needs with domestic resources. Developed to protect strategic facilities against enemy attacks, SİPER will provide air defence at long range and in a distributed architecture.SİPER Hit target at Near 100 Km rangeDIA aims to create a layered air defence for domestic systems.In this context, mass production and delivery of low-altitude Korkut systems were started. The low altitude Sungur air defence systems launched from the portable vehicle and MANPADS were serviced. While the first deliveries of Hisar-A+ and Hisar-O+ air defence systems are made, their mass production continues.