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Russia opened warning fire to Royal Navy destroyer in the Black Sea

Russia opened warning fire to Royal Navy destroyer in the Black Sea

According to Russia state-affiliated TASS news agency, the Russian Black Sea Fleet carried out warning fire towards the Royal Navy destroyer today. The Russian Border Guard Service of the FSB of Russia escorted the Black Sea fleet. There is no information whether the Royal Dutch frigate HNLMS Evertsen which entered the Black Sea along with HMS Defender, was warned.

The two ships were last seen in Odesa, Ukraine. HMS Defender sent a tweet yesterday saying, “Thank you for your hospitality, Odesa. Today we have departed with HNLMS Evertsen to continue our operations in the Black Sea.”

Russia opened warning fire to Royal Navy destroyer in the Black Sea

According to the Russian press, the border patrol ship carried out warning fire. The Su-24M bomber carried out warning bombing; the Russian Defense Ministry told reporters. Tass had a “Russian ships fire warning shots ahead of British destroyer near border” headline. The agency said, “A guard ship of the Black Sea Fleet fired warning shots while a Su-24M bomber conducted preventing bombing, the ministry specified.”

Russia opened warning fire to Royal Navy destroyer in the Black Sea

The British destroyer received a warning that weapons would be employed in the event of a violation of the Russian state border but did not respond to it, the ministry said.

“At 12:06 and 12:08, the border patrol ship performed warning fire. At 12:19, the Su-24M aircraft carried out warning bombing (4 OFAB-250) along the course of the URO Defender destroyer,” the Russian Defense Ministry added.

At 12:23 pm, HMS Defender left the borders of the territorial sea of the Russian Federation.The vessel cruised in Russian waters for 31 minutes in total.Former chief of the Russian Navy General Staff Admiral Viktor Kravchenko said, “We did everything right, without violating international norms and our legislation. Well done. Materials on the violation by the British ship will be presented in the form of a note. The British will at least have to apologise,” said Kravchenko to Interfax. “The British can say that there was a navigational error. But the coast is nearby - what mistake?” - the admiral has added.Following the intrusion, the Russian General Staff Army General Valery Gerasimov said, “Amid the collapse of the arms control system, the North Atlantic alliance is taking steps to move the NATO infrastructure to the borders of the Russian Federation. The deployment of forward forces on the territory of the alliance’s new members has become a priority,”

Russia opened warning fire to Royal Navy destroyer in the Black Sea

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Laboon (DDG 58) entered the Black Sea on a routine patrol on June 11th.

Uk Defence Ministry answered Russian claims from social media. The ministry said,“No warning shots have been fired at HMS Defender. The Royal Navy ship is conducting innocent passage through Ukrainian territorial waters in accordance with international law.” It continued, “We believe the Russians were undertaking a gunnery exercise in the Black Sea and provided the maritime community with prior-warning of their activity. No shots were directed at HMS Defender, and we do not recognise the claim that bombs were dropped in her path.” The ministry, however, did not mention the Su-24 aircraft. The vessel protects HMS Queen Elisabeth Aircraft Carrier Strike Group from air attacks.Sukhoi Su-24 aircraftThe Sukhoi Su-24 (NATO reporting name: Fencer) is a supersonic, all-weather attack aircraft developed in the Soviet Union. The aircraft has a variable-sweep wing, twin engines and a side-by-side seating arrangement for its two crew.

Russia opened warning fire to Royal Navy destroyer in the Black Sea

The high-explosive fragmentation bomb of 250 kg calibre (OFAB-250) is a universal aerial bomb intended to destroy military-industrial sites, railway junctions, field facilities, and personnel in open terrain and light armoured vehicles and trucks on the march or during attack within the main concentration perimeter. It is also intended to destroy aircraft in open parking areas, artillery guns in open and closed positions, vehicles (railway rolling stock, motor vehicles, sea and river transport vessels), fuel and lubricants depots, pontoon crossings and the enemy manpower.

This incident is the most aggressive action of the Russian Armed forces in the Black Sea against NATO. It is worth noting that it took place soon after the NATO Summit, held in Brussels on June 14th. The talks were about Ukraine joining NATO. The very same day, the National Defence Control Center of the Russian Federation reported that the Russian fleet began tracking the actions of the British Navy destroyer “Defender” and the frigate Everton of the Netherlands Navy, which entered the Black Sea.

“At 11:52 on June 23rd this year, the UK Navy’s guided-missile destroyer Defender operating in the northwestern part of the Black Sea crossed the state border of the Russian Federation and moved 3 km into the territorial sea near Cape Fiolent,” the ministry said in a statement.

HMS Defender has completed NATO security operations in the Mediterranean and entered the Black Sea after a short visit to Istanbul. Dutch Navy frigate HNLMS Evertsen has been accompanying the British destroyer. Two ships embarked at Sarayburnu port, and the British vessel organised a “UK Industry Day” which TurDef witnessed.

Russia opened warning fire to Royal Navy destroyer in the Black SeaThe two ships sailed towards the Black Sea on June 14th. The British ship had already been in the black sea before and received no aggression from Russia. HMS Defender can develop a speed of about 30 knots. It covers Air Defence missions.

Ofab 250-270 High Explosive Fragmentation Bomb