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Otokar Exports 4x4 Armoured Vehicles Worth 54 million USD

Otokar Exports 4x4 Armoured Vehicles Worth 54 million USD
Otokar, on the other hand, announced yesterday the decision to increase its capital from TL 24,000,000 to TL 120,000,000. The capital increase of 96.000.000 TL to be made internally, financial statements prepared in accordance with the TPL (Tax Procedure Law) records will be covered from Inflation Adjustment on Legal Reserves 4.625.782,96 TL, 11.599.006,86 TL from Inflation Adjustment on Extraordinary Reserves, 43.688.529,92 TL from Extraordinary Reserves, 36.086.680,26 TL from Special Funds.Otokar has also announced a net profit of TL 1,239,118,536, according to its consolidated financial statements for the 2022 accounting period. In the last board meeting of the company, within the framework of profit distribution policy, Considering the company's long-term strategies, investment and financing policies, profitability and cash situation, limited long-term financing opportunities and current funding costs levels, it decided not to distribute dividends to strengthen the company's liquidity and balance sheet structure.