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More Gepard to Ukraine

More Gepard to Ukraine

Germany published a detailed list of the military assistance package. Berlin is planning to send an additional Gepard anti-aircraft system as well. It is known that Ukraine is deploying anti-aircraft guns against Russian airborne assaults. 35 mm systems are especially effective against cruise missile attacks.

More Gepard to Ukraine

The most recent war between Russia and Ukraine has witnessed the extensive use of drones as loitering munition. Such ammunition has broken the cost and effectiveness balance as its price tag is very low. Both sides are extensively using missiles against unmanned aerial systems and cruise missiles. But this interception method isn"t cost-effective and brings sustainment issues. 35 mm air defence guns are one of the recently emerging low-cost solutions against low-flying targets, especially against such threats.

More Gepard to Ukraine

Thus, barrelled anti-air systems are offering a better solution. Ukrainian defenders are using with high success rate to intercept cruise missile threats with the help of Western airborne radar, intelligence and control assistance.