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Indonesia may Co-Produce the Russian Yak-130 Trainer

Indonesia may Co-Produce the Russian Yak-130 Trainer

Indonesia wants to keep its relations well with both Russia and United States. According to western sources, the country lacks the financial resource to procure Boeing’s F-15EX fighter but repeats its commitments to procure the fighter. On the other hand, it wants to co-produce the Russian YAK-130 trainer jet.

The Indonesian government is exploring opportunities for cooperation in producing the Yak-130 fighter jet with Russia’s Irkut Corporation. Indonesian Presidential Chief of Staff (Kepala Staf Kepresidenan /KSP) Dr. Moeldoko met the Director General of Irkut Corporation Andrey Boginskiy. Moeldoko said the government was always open to cooperation opportunities offered by foreign partners to Indonesia, including in the defence sector.“Referring to the needs of the defence sector, KSP supports and is ready to bridge the framework of cooperation that will be explored, later the end of the assessment will be in the policy of the Ministry of Defense,” said Moeldoko.Moeldoko added that the Yak-130 is a suitable jet for the air force (TNI AU). Exploring this in collaboration with Indonesian aircraft manufacturer PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) is possible.A total of more than 150 Yak-130s have been built to date, used by Russia, Belarus, Algeria, Bangladesh, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam.Indonesia’s move brings a new problem to the table. Indonesia may Co-Produce the Russian Yak-130 TrainerThe United States applies CAATSA to Russia. The sanctions are not limited to Russia. The one that breaks the sanctions and third parties working with them are also included in the sanctions list.