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F-16 Air Combat Training Center for Jordan

F-16 Air Combat Training Center for Jordan

The U.S. State Department has decided to approve a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Jordan of an F-16 Air Combat Training Center and related equipment for an estimated $60 million cost. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale.

The Government of Jordan has requested to buy an F-16 Air Combat Training Center and Devices including full mission trainers, combat tactics trainers, instructor/operator stations, tactical environment simulators, brief/debrief stations, scenario generation stations, database generation stations, mission observation centres, and other training centre equipment and support; software and software support; publications and technical documentation; maintenance, spares and repair parts and services; U.S. and contractor engineering, technical, and logistical support services; and other related elements of program support. The estimated total cost is $60 million.

The Royal Jordanian Air Force (RJAF) operates a total of 64 F-16A/B aircraft, 16 of which are ADFs, while the remaining 39 are MLUs or have been modified to MLUstandard.

The main armament of the RJAF F-16s is the AIM-9 Sidewinder and the AIM-120C AMRAAM.