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Biden Administration’s Strategic Mediterranean Tour

Biden Administration’s Strategic Mediterranean Tour

Deputy Secretary Sherman began her trip in Istanbul, Turkey. She visited Turkey to meet Presidential Spokesperson İbrahim Kalın and Deputy Foreign Minister Sedat Önal to discuss Russia. According to the state department press release, “The Deputy’s meetings will include discussions on further joint U.S.-Turkey cooperation and our shared interest in supporting Ukraine.”

According to the interview published at HaberTürk, Deputy Secretary Sherman states that the F-16 acquisition and modernisation program is on track, while the U.S. wants to find an alternative way to solve the S-400 air defence missile system. The formula is not speculated, but there is an expectation that a solution can be seen from the U.S. side.

Biden Administration’s Strategic Mediterranean Tour

Deputy Secretary Sherman will travel to Spain, from March 6 to 8 to co-open the U.S.-Spain Cybersecurity Dialogue on March 7 with Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs Ángeles Moreno Bau. The Deputy Secretary and the State Secretary will also meet bilaterally to discuss various issues and challenges, including Russia’s attack against Ukraine. The Deputy Secretary will then travel to Morocco, to lead the U.S. delegation to the U.S.-Morocco Strategic Dialogue on Regional Political Issues. She will have a working lunch with Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita and meet with senior government officials.

Next, Deputy Secretary Sherman will travel to Algeria. She will meet with President Abdelmadjid Tebboune to discuss bilateral and regional issues. She will meet with Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra and lead the U.S. delegation for the fifth U.S.-Algerian Strategic Dialogue. Finally, Deputy Secretary Sherman will travel to Egypt, to meet with Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry and other senior Egyptian officials.