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Ukraine is working on its air missile defence system

Ukraine is working on its air missile defence system
The missile defence technology that Ukraine will put into service in the future will not necessarily be with the US basic technology, according to Kuleba, who was in the talk show Freedom of Speech on ICTV.During the discussion of the results of the recent visit to the United States of the delegation headed by President Volodymyr Zelensky, the Foreign Minister clarified that Ukraine is "working to develop its own" missile defence system."This technology may not necessarily come from the United States. Other countries own it. And we are negotiating access to it," Kuleba said.Earlier, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for the Reintegration of Occupied Territories Oleksiy Reznikov proposed deploying US air defence assets on the territory of Ukraine. Ukrainian presidential spokesman Serhiy Nikiforov expressed that this statement should be considered only a hypothetical option.