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The Spanish Army receives the first THeMIS UGV from Milrem Robotics

The Spanish Army receives the first THeMIS UGV from Milrem Robotics

Estonia-based Milrem Robotics company has delivered the first THeMIS Unmanned Ground Vehicle to the Spanish Defence Ministry. The Ministry awarded the contract for one THeMIS UGV through the Directorate of Armament and Material to A. Paukner, S.A., Milrem Robotics' representative in Spain.

The THeMIS was acquired as part of the Scorpion program, which began in early 2021 to assess the capabilities of existing unmanned ground vehicles.The THeMIS UGV is a multi-mission capable system designed to support dismounted troops by acting as a mule for transporting a squad"s equipment or quickly converting into a weaponized remotely operated unit to provide force protection.The Spanish Army receives the first THeMIS UGV from Milrem RoboticsIt is the first system of its size class to be deployed in a conflict zone during Mali"s anti-insurgency operation Barkhane.During the deployment, the THeMIS travelled 1200 kilometres through one of the world"s harshest terrains, with lava rock soil and temperatures reaching 50 degrees Celsius in the shade. The UGV was in service for over 330 hours.The Turkish Land vehicle manufacturer Otokar and Milrem signed a cooperation agreement in October 2021.