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TCG Ufuk is officially in the Inventory

TCG Ufuk is officially in the Inventory

Erdoğan stated that TCG UFUK would help Turkey"s security and intelligence gathering efforts. He emphasised that only a few countries worldwide had such sophisticated equipment. "Our strength will increase at sea as it has on land and sky," he stated, adding that "the organisation"s next goal is to be positioned in space via satellite intelligence."

TCG Ufuk is officially in the Inventory

The Turkish Defence Industry"s export aim for 2022 is USD 4 billion.

Erdoğan also stated that the number of countries that import Turkish defence items grows every year. "By the end of this year, we expect our defence and aerospace industry export volume to surpass $4 billion." He stated.

President Erdoğan referred to the Turkish National Ship Programme MLGEM, in which Turkish shipyards are ready to compete for the project"s 6,7,8th ships.

Erdoğan stated that a tender for İstif class frigates would be issued soon. These frigates will be outfitted with a national Vertical Launching System (VLS / Milli Dikey Atım Sistemi / MDAS) and national air defence missiles. Erdoğan"s remarks about the integration of VLS into ships cause some consternation. Alper Köse, the former president of SSB Naval Platforms, claimed seven months ago that the fifth ship would have the national VLS system. Erdoğan does not mention the fifth ship.

Erdoğan has also claimed that the TF-2000 air defence destroyer tender will begin soon. He predicted that in two years, the Turkish navy would be stronger.

TCG Ufuk is officially in the Inventory

Minister Akar stated that they intend to raise the domestic production rate, which is now at 80%. He went on to say that they want to get to the point where they can design and build high-tech products and export them.

TCG Ufuk is officially in the Inventory

President Demir of SSB expressed gratitude to the primary subcontractor Istanbul Shipyard and its subcontractors. "I would want to congratulate our 194 firms, including ASELSAN, HAVELSAN, İŞBİR, ANEL, YALTES, GÜRDESAN, MEG SHIP, Poyraz, and Turk Loydu," Demir added. I also extend my appreciation to our Turkish Naval Command."

Demir recalled that Turkey used to import the majority of naval systems and stated, "we develop use, and export today many items from defence systems to naval defence systems, electronic warfare and systems, electronic, optical sensors, infrared search, tracking, and warning systems, VLS systems to sonars."

TCG Ufuk is officially in the Inventory

The project"s principal contractor is STM Defence. The vessel has the same hull as Ada Class corvettes, but it is not a corvette because it is not armed.