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Ship Deployed UAV on the Way

Ship Deployed UAV on the Way

Defence Ministry published the 2022 performance report. The report states that future fleets will have specific UAVs that will be deployed on ships. The statement adds that the UAVs will be called “GİHA” in Turkish, meaning “Ship Deployed UAV”. The GİHA’s will be deployed at future TF-2000 air defence destroyers and the TCG Anadolu L-400 multipurpose amphibious ship. The report does not specify the GİHA’s future missions, but the photo implies that they will have vertical take-off and landing capacity as they will be equipped with rotary-wing capacity. It should be noted that the photo on the report does not belong to TCG Anadolu but to a Landing Platform Dock or a Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD).

It can be assumed that such GİHA’s would be used in anti-submarine warfare and logistic support missions depending on the MTOW capacity and endurance.