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ROKETSAN Exhibits Its Newest Systems in DIMDEX 2024

ROKETSAN Exhibits Its Newest Systems in DIMDEX 2024

ROKETSAN’s presence is essential in how some systems are displayed for the first time in a foreign exhibition.
The first of these systems is the MİDLAS vertical launch system for warships. Compared to the one in IDEF’23, a larger-scaled model is displayed with HİSAR-D, HİSAR-D Block 2 with quad-pack features, and SİPER Block 1-D air defence missiles. The naval version of the SİPER Block 2 missile and GEZGİN long-range cruise missiles will also be used on the indigenous system to replace American Mk41 VLS.
MİDLAS has been tested on the ground with HİSAR-D missile in 2023 and integrated on the first I-class frigate TCG İstanbul (F-515) in the same year. The ship is expected to conduct firing tests with HİSAR-D and SİPER Block 1D missiles.
The second is the LEVENT missile with a new airframe. The new missile model has one more set of fins on the front compared to the one exhibited in IDEF’23. This layout is observable in some short-range air-to-air missiles like Python-5. This might be a design change to increase manoeuvrability.

Roketsan dimdex booth TurDef.jpg
LEVENT will be primarily used on ROKETSAN’s family of naval point defence systems sharing the same name. Additionally, the missile is planned to be used on helicopters.
LEVENT, for naval use, is a counterpart to the American RIM-116 RAM air defence missile. The missile diverges from RAM with a non-rolling airframe, but using an IIR seeker offers better discrimination. Much like RIM-116, LEVENT will have a secondary passive RF guidance for homing into emissions from the RF seekers of anti-ship missiles.
The MAM family is displayed with MAM-L IIR, MAM-T, and MAM-C variants. This is also the first time MAM-L IIR is being displayed abroad. MAM-L IIR, alongside MAM-T IIR with folding wings and dual-mode IIR+CCD seeker MAM-T, was displayed for the first time in IDEF’23.