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RAF to replace crashed F-35B

RAF to replace crashed F-35B

The Ministry’s ‘annual report and accounts 2021 to 2022’ includes a Performance Report, an Accountability Report and the Annual Accounts. All provide detail on Defence activity undertaken during the financial year 2021 to 2022. The paper sums up procurement plans.

RAF to replace crashed F-35B

RAF to replace crashed F-35BThe report says

“48 F-35B Lightning aircraft are on contract. We have made provision to buy additional aircraft, and our planning assumption is that we will purchase additional F-35B Lightning aircraft, but this remains subject to negotiation. One of these is a replacement of the one lost during CSG 21. The approvals for the advanced electronically scanned array radar programme are complete and will see a prototype radar, ready for integration and flight trials on Typhoon, in 2023.”

Last year in November, a British F-35B aircraft from HMS Queen Elizabeth crashed into the Mediterranean Sea; the pilot ejected safely. The F-35B was discovered one month later.