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Putin Sends Iskander-M to Belarus with Nuclear Strike Capability

Putin Sends Iskander-M to Belarus with Nuclear Strike Capability

Putin Sends Iskander-M to Belarus with Nuclear Strike Capability

Putin and Lukashenka met to mark the 30th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the two countries. Putin said on Russian television during a meeting with Lukashenko in St. Petersburg that Russia would regularly transport Iskander-M missile systems to Belarus in the coming months. These systems can be armed with both conventional and nuclear warheads, depending on the type of missile used by the system.

The Iskander-M is a mobile guided-missile system with a range of up to 500 kilometres.

Putin Sends Iskander-M to Belarus with Nuclear Strike Capability

He also suggested that Belarus's military aircraft be further upgraded to carry nuclear weapons. "There are many Su-25 fighters currently in use by the Belarussian armed forces," Putin said.

Although Belarus is not a direct participant in the conflict in Ukraine, it has provided logistical support to Russia's invasion, which began on February 24. Some Russian forces entered Ukraine through the border with Belarus, which means Belarus is indirectly involved in the conflict.

In retaliation for the Kremlin's war on Ukraine and Belarus's efforts to assist the Russian invasion, Western nations have imposed an ever-increasing list of financial sanctions on the country of Belarus. These sanctions are similar to those imposed on Russia.