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Pentagon Cancels New Engine Programme for F-35 Jets

Pentagon Cancels New Engine Programme for F-35 Jets

On March 10, 2023, Pentagon decided not to continue the programme to develop a new engine for the F-35 fighter jet because it was considered too expensive according to the fiscal 2024 budget.

Pentagon Cancels New Engine Programme for F-35 Jets

The AETP programme aimed to create two demonstrator engines to replace the F135-100 engines (F-35A and F-35C). The XA101 Enhanced Engine Package (EEP) engine was developed by Pratt & Whitney to compete with General Electric’s XA100 engine. The F-35 Lightning II Joint Programme Office (JPO) was expected to select one of the two engines in 2023. Pentagon Cancels New Engine Programme for F-35 Jets

The Pentagon will return to the engines used by the current F-35. As such, the Adaptive Machine Transition Programme (AETP) was discontinued. The AETP was initially intended to produce engines with greater increased thrust and high efficiency. This decision means the US Military will not proceed with its Adaptive Machinery Transition Programme. The adaptive engine uses three airflows to cool the engine and has an adaptive cycle that allows for increased thrust and fuel efficiency. General Electric Aviation and Pratt & Whitney have participated in designing the new AETP engine, but only General Electric Aviation has installed the engine, the XA100.