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Pakistan Conducts a Test Launch of the Fatah-ll GMLRS

Pakistan Conducts a Test Launch of the Fatah-ll GMLRS

A press release from the army’s Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) wing stated that the new weapon can precisely strike targets at a distance of 250 to 400 km. This is a big jump compared to Fatah-I, which could only reach a distance of 140 km. The service added that the weapon is equipped with advanced avionics and navigation systems and has a unique flight trajectory.
According to Xinhua, Fatah II’s weapons development program began in 2021.
Pakistan’s efforts to develop a high-precision rocket system come amid increasing tensions with neighbouring India in the Kashmir region.
This Fatah-ll Guided Multi-barrel Launched Rocket System (GMLRS) weapon system will allow the Pakistan Army to carry out precision target deep strikes.
The Fatah-ll GMLRS trials were witnessed by senior officers from all three branches of Pakistan’s armed forces, scientists, and engineers, highlighting the collaborative efforts behind this development.
ISPR emphasized that these successes are part of Pakistan’s broader strategy to strengthen regional deterrence and enhance strategic stability.

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Pakistan’s Global Industrial and Defence Solutions showcased its latest military equipment, Fatah-II GMLRS, at IDEF 2023.