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Greece Starts R&D on Defence Industry

Greece Starts R&D on Defence Industry

Greek Defence Minister Nikos Dendias wrote an article underlining Greek Defence in 2024. The minister calls 2024 a year of transformation for the Greek Defence industry. The Hellenic Centre for Defence Research and Innovation Development will be established, and the Centre will focus on mobilising resources and international collaborations to advance research and technology development. The effort to restructure the Greek Aviation Industry will be the focus point.


Both the political and the military leadership will set the goals, the strategy and the general directions. A central pillar is the implementation of the equipment programs after first completing the necessary re-evaluation and prioritisation of future equipment programs within the budgetary limits. 

The smooth implementation of the ongoing armament programs is one of the primary goals for 2024. The acquisition of FDI frigates and Rafale aircraft and the modernisation of the F-16s will be at the top of the agenda. “However, our long-term planning must serve an effective defence strategy and not mortgage the national economy. For these reasons, re-evaluating and prioritising our future equipment programs is necessary,” Dendias says. 

The ministry will also take the initiative to improve military personal life quality by implementing the construction of 1,400 houses on the Aegean Islands.