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France and Greece Cooperate on the Patroller UAV Program

France and Greece Cooperate on the Patroller UAV Program

On January 9, 2024, the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Angelos Choudeloudis, paid an official visit to France at the invitation of his counterpart, General Pierre Schill. 

In the context of the talks, signing a text of mutual intent for cooperation to develop and use Safran’s Patroller occurred. According to reports, Greece is considering other French armed UAVs and tactical-level UAV designs in addition to the newly acquired Patrollers.

The Patrollers have retractable landing gears and can take off from 250-meter-long runways. 

SafranGroup Patroller.jpg

The Patroller can carry a maximum payload of 250+ kilograms while it can operate at a maximum altitude of 16,000 feet with 15 hours of endurance at speeds of 100 to 200 kilometres per hour. The armed version may fire laser-guided missiles. The Patroller can receive and transmit information and data over distances of up to 180 kilometres by “line-of-sight” or up to 1,000 kilometres via satellite communications systems.