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Elbit Systems presents Rifle with AI

Elbit Systems presents Rifle with AI

Israeli Elbit Systems unveils new creation, ARCAS (AI-Powered, Computerized Solution for Assault Rifles), an artificial intelligence system that connects to the rifle's optical sight and the soldier's digital helmet to provide a complete picture of the battlefield in real-time. 

ARCAS literally transforms a simple assault rifle into a digital battle network, dramatically increasing the importance of the "humble" infantry on the modern battlefield, day and night.

With ARCAS, infantrymen and men of the special forces acquire capabilities that could not even have been imagined before, such as passive distance measurement, automatic ballistic correction, locating a point from where the enemy fires, monitoring the movement, firing from behind corners and with the gun at the hip, interfacing with command and control systems (C2), orientation, enemy-friend recognition, jam control and firing regulation without prior fire.

A "smart" computer adapted to the rifle does all the work. It connects to other soldiers who have rifles with the ARCAS system. The soldier uses the system literally as if he were playing a battle simulation video game. ARCAS can be used in thermal and low light shooters and any other shooter, depending on user requirements.