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Ejder Yalçın to Protect World Cup

Ejder Yalçın to Protect World Cup

Qatar is preparing for FIFA World Cup 2022. An elite unit, Lekhwiya, which operates for counter-terrorism missions and VIP protection tasks, shared a video about their training.

Lekhwiya showed its readiness with a video for World Cup. The Ejder Yalçın 4X4, a Turkish company Nurol Makina"s (NMS) product, can clearly be seen in the images. According to the video, Ejder Yalçın vehicles will also be deployed for security operations for the World Cup event.

The vehicle offers high resistance against mine and IED explosions on the MRAP level. Armoured vehicles also operate in the special units of the Turkish Police and Gendarmerie. Qatar procured a large amount of Ejder Yalçıns from Turkiye.

Ejder Yalçın to Protect World Cup

Ejder Yalçın offers special solutions such as; Multi-Role Armored Vehicles, Border Surveillance and Security Vehicle, Air Defence Vehicle, Reconnaissance Vehicle, Command and Control Vehicle, Mine and IED Detection and Disposal Vehicle, Combat Vehicle, Anti-Tank Vehicle, Armored Personnel Carrier, CBRN Surveillance Vehicle, Mortar Vehicle, Forward Observer Vehicle, Tactical Missile Carriage/Launch System and Armored Ambulance Vehicle.

Ejder Yalçın to Protect World Cup