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Defence Industry’s Export Volume Passed 2 billion USD

Defence Industry’s Export Volume Passed 2 billion USD

Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM) has announced the export figures of the Turkish Defence and Aerospace sector for May 2023. The industry had passed the 500 million USD threshold in March. It exceeded this volume with 554.3 million USD in May 2023.
The sector reached 4.3 billion USD worth of export in 2022, targeting six billion USD in 2023.
The sector’s exports were worth 2 billion 44 million USD in total in January-May 2023.
In the same period last year, between January 1 and May 31, 2022, the sector reached 1.6 billion USD in export volume. Exports realised in the same period of 2023 indicate an increase of 22.5 per cent.