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Boğaziçi Reveals İlter as counter-UAV measure.

Boğaziçi Reveals İlter as counter-UAV measure.

Fatih Aslan, Chairman of the company’s Board, speaking to Anadolu Agency, said that İlter has been on duty in the Turkish Armed Forces for the last three years and that no attack has been carried out on any of the bases that the system protects. İlter was exported to countries including Libya, Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Indonesia and Iraq.

Boğaziçi Reveals İlter as counter-UAV measure.

The system works with passive methodology. İlter can detect autonomous or remote-controlled drones with radar integration. The frequencies used by the detected drone are jammed. Thanks to its spoofing feature, autonomous flying vehicles get confused by the coordinates and are prevented from reaching their target.

Boğaziçi Reveals İlter as counter-UAV measure.

Aslan explained that they are constantly developing İlter to counter changing threats. He stated that the company made the first delivery of the İlter J250, which emerged due to these efforts and gained new capabilities.

Stating that the İlter J250 model has a more robust output power and offers users much more opportunities with its renewed technology, Aslan noted that the new model also provides protection against all frequencies excluding the standard Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM) frequency bands.

Boğaziçi Reveals İlter as counter-UAV measure.

ISM does not require licences as their band frequencies vary between 2.4 and 2.4835 GHz with almost 1 Watt (30db) antenna output. These are Bluetooth, wi-fi, RFID or similar frequencies with low energy consumption and minimal communication range.

Noting that they have completed the integration of radar and optics into İlter’s developing models, Aslan said, “We are adding physical destruction methods to İlter’s countermeasures. Their production has been completed, and integration studies have begun. We will be able to neutralise the drones we detect using laser weapons and 40-millimetre ammunition.”

Boğaziçi Reveals İlter as counter-UAV measure.

Aslan has not revealed the ammunition type.

Only open source available information about 40-millimetre ammunition that can prevent drone attacks belongs to ASELSAN and Makine ve Kimya Endustrisi Inc (MKE) joint product 40-millimetre air burst ammunition ATOM. This system is effective within the 500-meter range.

Boğaziçi Reveals İlter as counter-UAV measure.

Expressing that besides product development, export activities continue intensively, Fatih Aslan said, “Lastly, we had an export contract with Indonesia. Sudan has been closely interested in İlter for a while. We have completed our negotiations and added a new one to our exports with Sudan.”